
Hex ray decompiler
Hex ray decompiler

hex ray decompiler hex ray decompiler

That said, these are just caches they can be evicted for reasons such as the user changing the type of a function or global data item used by the cached function. The past few versions of Hex-Rays have introduced caches for the decompilation results, particularly the mba_t and cfunc_t structures from the SDK, to speed up displaying decompilation for functions that have recently been analyzed.

hex ray decompiler

That's because Hex-Rays often decompiles the same function more than once - numerous times, actually - throughout the course of the user's analysis session. You have probably noticed that Hex-Rays might - or might not - pause noticeably when decompiling a large function that you have already decompiled some time ago. It sounds like you know how to use Hex-Rays to a non-trivial extent.

Hex ray decompiler